My Heart is Broken Today

I went into the office today with lots of things to get done because of a very busy schedule. I just returned from a weekend at Resurrection  and I am preparing to spend the next weekend at Divine Rhythm. It gets busier after that!

Here are 2 of the bible verses that I read this morning in my study time and I put them on my twitter page.

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. James 1:22

As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead. James 2:26

Not long after sitting down at my desk the phone rang and it was someone from Social Services. They had an 18-year-old young man there who was homeless and had walked quite a few miles, he needed cab fare to a shelter. I said don’t worry about the cab fare, I will take him myself.

I went to pick Sammy (not his real name) up at DSS and I was immediately shocked that we had another homeless 18-year-old in Carroll County Virginia. It’s just not so common around these parts. Anyway, I started making conversation with Sammy and he asked if I could swing by a local church in town, he had left his bag of belongings there over night. He said he had come into town in the evening and decided to sleep in this open shelter for the night. About 2am the wind and snow was blowing so hard he decided to move to where he could get some shelter. He was awake all night.

As we came into the area of the shelter I asked if he had eaten in a while and he said no but he was fine. I stopped at a drive thru anyway and purchased for him a biscuit and orange juice. I bought myself one also because for some strange reason I didn’t want him to feel like I was only stopping for him. We went on to the shelter and on the way we had time to talk and Sammy shared with me that he had made plenty of bad decisions in his short life of 18 years and he knew they were bad choices and now he was having to try to find a way to do better. I asked if he had ever thought of giving God a try and he said that he had. He had read from the bible on occasions where he had been locked up in detention and he even remembered some of what he had read. I assured him that God’s way in life was the best way and I assured him that it wasn’t a fix-all for his problems. We seemed to really connect.

When we pulled up to the shelter I asked this question. “Sammy, what can we as the church and individuals do to help you? What is it that you need? Here is his answer, “the best thing people can do for someone like me is just to take the time to have a conversation with me.”

I think I get it, I believe Sammy was saying that he wanted to know that he was important enough to someone that they would take the time out of their busy schedule to just listen to what was on his heart.

This young man was someone’s baby just a few short years ago and now he is on the street. I remember being 18 and I can’t imagine having to fend for myself in this world. Sammy seemed like he was nervous about walking into the shelter alone so I told him I was going to carry his food in and introduce him to the folks there and that seemed to relieve him.

We went inside and I had some conversation with the folks there and I told them if Sammy needed anything to please let me know. I turned to shake Sammy’s hand and his eyes filled with water, just like mine are now that I remember the moment. I told Sammy that I would always make myself available to him to listen and just have conversation and I invited him to church if he stays in the area. He said thank you and I left.

I sat in the van and cried.

I am going to do everything I can to help Sammy and people like him. Sammy admits he made mistakes and flat-out bad decisions. Sammy is forgiven and I have the responsibility as a Christian of offering him that forgiveness in the name of Jesus Christ.

Help me pray for this young man and so many like him, my heart is truly broken. i know that tonight he is fed, warm and safe, but my heart is still broken.


5 comments on “My Heart is Broken Today

  1. January 26, 2010 Betsy

    Praying. There are so many Sammy’s in the world.
    If we aren’t broken for them, then who?

  2. January 26, 2010 Gene and Gloria

    We will be praying!

  3. January 26, 2010 sharon

    That also breaks my heart. I have a 22 year old son. Will pray for Sammy, others like him and you for being there to make a connection and made him feel important and that God loves him. Divine Rhythm would be a great place for him to be.

  4. January 30, 2010 Cheryl Bolen

    I will be praying for him and the many in similar situations.


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