What are the unmet needs in your community?

In the United Methodist Church we have some of the finest facilities around. If you want to grow your church then use your facility, combined with Radical Hospitality to fill it up.

What do I mean by this? I mean that we need to look throughout our communities and find where the needs are.

Maybe there is a company who at one time used the local hotel meeting space to hold meetings and because of the economy they are no longer able to do that. Open up your church and invite them, no charge.

Maybe there is a boy scout or a brownie troop who need a place to meet. Open up your doors and invite them in.

Maybe the Rotary, Lions, or some other community group would love to pay someone in your church to cook lunch or dinner for them one time a week. You might say, it sounds like we have quit doing church and opened a business. Not at all, we are allowing the world to come into our places of worship and fellowship to get to know who we are and that we want them to be part of us.

Be creative, there are ots of people who need a place like ours and most churches are used 2 or 3 hours each week.

Think about that.


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