The Bible and Divorce

Not everybody has asked but most have. What does the Bible say about DIVORCE? Here is the link to a sermon I preached recently on the subject of Divorce and is titled “Law and Grace”.

Love to hear your comments.

Law and Grace: What does the Bible say about Divorce?

This is one of those books that has been on my shelf for literally 15 years or more and I had never read it. I have learned it is no longer in print and it appears to have been updated after the printing of this original in 1981 by Word Incorporated. However, you can still find it on sites like from individual sellers and it is well worth the read.

I found this book to be very beneficial in so many ways and even if you have no desire to see what the Bible has to say about marriage, divorce, and remarriage, you should still read this book. The book is about GRACE, God’s Amazing Grace. This book does one of the absolute best jobs of teaching us about what God’s standard was created to be, how the Law was given as a Gift of Grace, and then an explanation of how down through time, people have continued to try to live by the letter of the law.


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