Sunday Night Live for 2011

From Pastor Ty

There is much anticipation in the air as to how we will celebrate this year as individuals as families and as a church.  Angels played a large role in the birth narrative of Jesus.  An angel appeared to Mary and to Joseph on separate occasions announcing Jesus birth and a host of angels appeared above the shepherd’s field and praised God.

  • So what are angels?
  • When were they created?
  • What do they look like?
  • What functions do they serve?

As Christians, the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ gives us the blessed assurance of life after death.  Yet there are still quite a lot of questions concerning the afterlife.

  • What is heaven really like?
  • Is there a difference between heaven and paradise?  If so, what is it?
  • How many levels are there to heaven?
  • When a Christian dies do they go to heaven immediately?

These are but a few questions that people might ask about heaven.  But what about that other place, hell, that Jesus warned of?

  • Is there literally a place called hell?
  • If so, where is it located?
  • How about the abyss, Gehenna, Hades, Sheol, and Tartaros?  Are these one in the same place or are they different places?

Well friends, during Sunday Night Live, pastor Ronnie and I will be addressing these topics.  During the five Sundays of January I will be entertaining the topic of angels.  This topic is back by popular demand as I taught on this during Wednesday night Bible studies about 5 years ago.

During the month of February, Ronnie will be teaching on the topic of heaven.  The life groups will be studying the topic even deeper during the week.  This will prove to be a very interesting topic.

Then during the month of March, I will be teaching on hell and eternal separation from God.  This should help clarify some Biblical terminology for us all.

Undoubtedly, the first quarter of 2011 is going to be a great time of learning for those who participate in Sunday Night Live.  Please mark your calendars now as you will want to invite your family and friends to experience these teachings each and every Sunday night.

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