What would happen if we carried our Cross in Total Obedience?

What would happen if, when we are insulted we blessed the one who insulted us?

What would happen if, when someone was mean to us we were nice in return?

What would happen if, when someone said something bad about someone else we siad something nice about that same one?

What would happen if, when someone hurt our feelings we did something nice for them?

What would happen if, when someone did anything that isn’t nice or is just outright mean, what would happen if we carried our cross in total obedience in these situations?


Agree? or Disagree?

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One comment on “What would happen if we carried our Cross in Total Obedience?

  1. July 7, 2008 Rachael

    much easier said than done… I suppose that is why the world is not easily won. But thanks for the challenge, Ronnie. These are words I needed to be strengthened by today. God Bless!


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