Misty and I were sitting in the den reading a couple of nights ago and Samuel woke up and started to cry. When I went in to check on him it was the weirdest thing, he was sitting up in the bed. Now I know that shouldn’t seem so weird but it was just a few days ago that he couldn’t sit up on his own. Just a few days ago he couldn’t crawl and now you have to be quick to keep up with him. He is into everything that he can get his hands on. He is pulling up on things and it will just be a matter of days and he will be walking. I have always said that my favorite time is when they start to walk and talk. Wow, they grow up so fast.
Speaking of walking and talking, we grilled hamburgers at home last night and the family was over. Christopher has been walking for a long time now but he also talking a lot, it just sounds a lot like Chinese. You can make out many of his words but then he will go into a long sentence and it is great, you can’t understand a word of it. I usually just say yes or that is great and he laughs and keeps going.
Christopher calls me Pupa, which is a term or endearment that I wouldn’t take anything for. Pupa is what Mike called me and actually still calls me and there is a great story about that, now all the kids in the family call me by Pupa.
Last night I was carrying Christopher through the house and he looked at me and said, “Pupa kiss me”, he turned my face to his cheek and just laughed. Wow, they grow us so fast.
Alex, Seth and Victoria were also here, we are so blessed with the little ones in the family. They are all getting big enough to play together as well as argue and push and all the things that children and adults will do. We don’t have to teach them to do bad things, rather we have to teach them to share and be kind to each other.
My favorite thing in the world is to be with my family and we are blessed to live close together and we share meals together every week. Nothing can take the place of the laughter and joy that comes from being with those we love and just having fellowship together.
As I was reflecting on this my thoughts turned to all the children in the world who need a loving family where they can be part of a family that cares for them. There are so many. There are hundreds of thousands of children just in the United States who need a family to call their own.
Check out this web site: www.adoptuskids.org
What if the church decided that we would join together and provide families for these children. There are so many that have the love and the means to give a child a home.
April is “Prevent Child Abuse Virginia” month, check out this site: http://www.preventchildabuseva.org/
James 1: 27 says,
Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.