Johnny V. will be in town in the morning. I will be picking him up in Greensboro at the airport.
This is a great opportunity for you to grow in your relationship with the Lord. There are going to be several opportunities for you to interact with Johnny V.
On Wednesday evening he will be with us in Youth Group and it will be a smaller more intimate group, however this would also be a great time for each of you to invite that person from school that is struggling with their faith, maybe they have just come through a hard time, some tragedy or maybe the home life is just really stressful.
There is enough of John to go around so let’s share him and his wisdom with that person that God puts on your heart between now and tomorrow evening.
On Thursday John and I will be at CCIS for FCA and then on Friday we will be at the High School, make sure that all you friends come to that event so they can get to know who John is and that will make them want to come to the services each evening.
Our Uprising assemblies will be Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings at 7pm and then on Sunday at 11am and 7pm. I hope that all of you will make the commitment to be at every gathering. I know that you hear all of this on a regular basis and you really wish I would just shut up but I am going to say it anyway because I think you need to hear it.
There are very few churches in our Hillsville area where the youth have an opportunity to hear speakers like Johnny V., Adrian Despres, and Team Impact. There are no other churches in the area where they have hosted a Mission team like Youth EE (Now known as Xee) wow, what a great time we had with the group from Minnesota. (Remember you have to wrinkle up your face when you say that to say it right). This Body works hard and spends what it takes to bring you the best that there is to offer, so think about that when you consider missing even one night of this event. Your youth leaders and everybody at FUMC work hard to make these things happen for you.
Several families are taking John to meals at various places in town and some are providing home cooked meals, maybe you could drop in on one of those meals and spend a little more time one on one with him.
This is a great opportunity, take advantage of it and also bring along those you know that need to know our Savior.
Check out Johnny V’s Blog @
Johnny Vs Church website @
See you at the UPRISING