Let’s Change The World!

Lets start in our own community!

The truth is when we have problems; the problems are not usually as bad as we think. For instance if you have had a bad day or a bad week, just scroll down a couple more blogs and watch the video of Eliot and his family.

The problem is that when we start to have a bad day or a bad week we get turned in on ourselves. All that we can think about is the problem that we are facing.

I have found a sure way to get rid of that bad day and it will surprise you. Are you ready?

The answer is, Go out and SERVE someone else who has an equal or greater need than you do. It is then you will realize that your problems are really not as bad as you thought and it will also inspire you to have a better attitude and your problem will start to shrink.

I’m just silly enough to believe that we can change the world by focusing on the problems of others.

Servant Evangelism!

Now here is a novel idea.

There are lots of ways to share the Gospel with people. I just recently read where one guy would visit in homes of friends, go to the bathroom, roll the toilet paper down a ways and place a Gospel Tract in there and roll it back up. I am not kidding, he really did that and no it wasn’t me. I told you I read it. He called it a “Gospel Time Bomb”.

I believe that almost any Evangelism is Good Evangelism. I respect a person for trying and I only ask that people not be offensive. I still believe that door to door will work, even if my friend Johnny V. doesn’t. Love ya Johnny!

Every Christian should find ways to share the Good News of The Gospel. If you are a satisfied customer you will certainly tell others and I am a satisfied Christian.

I have some ideas; I actually have lots of ideas. What if we as a group of FUMC Christians went to the Exxon and asked if we could pump gas for their customers for the day? People ultimately would want to give us money and we would refuse to take it and just tell them that the gift of Salvation is a FREE GIFT OF GOD and so is our service to them. We could hand them a card with the church address and information and invite them to church.

What about washing windshields at Wal Mart? Leave a card that explains our project.

What about a Soft Dirnk giveaway at some local event? Leave a card…….

What about a free coffee giveaway?

What about a Mothers Day Carnation Giveaway?

What about Oil Changes for Single Parents, maybe someone with a garage would let us use their place while they are closed?

What about going door to door on Sunday Morning with a free paper and coffee?

Lets Talk.


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