I finally gave in to the myspace craze!

I finally did it, I gave in to the myspace craze. I have fought it for a long time now and just didn’t see the lure but a few days ago the Youth at Hillsville challenged me to start a page, so I did.

What is myspace? MySpace is a free online community composed of personal profiles. It is “MY Space”, I didn’t understand it for the longest time but it is the place where people hang out. We use to hang out at the Mall or on the strip but now people hang out virtually on the World Wide Web.

It is aplace where people post pictures of their friends and family and the people that you allow on your site can freely view them.  MySpace policy requires users be at least 14 years of age to join. Members routinely send each other messages and “network” or socialize within the MySpace community.

The format of MySpace makes it easy for anyone to submit profile information, even if they have little online experience. Though the domain has proved incredibly popular, reportedly hosting over 60 million profiles, it has also come under fire. The concern is that the vast majority of MySpace members may be too inexperienced to realize the potential danger of posting personal information online. Youth, be very careful and always keep your page private, that way only those you allow to visit can see your information.

Myspace is very popular; it is the World in which we live. Things are changing rapidly. Well, I have tried and I actually like it. I am connecting with friends I haven’t been able to talk to in a long time and it is great chatting with those in the Youth Group who are online.

Give it a try, just be careful. There is always a good and bad side and the bad potential is there.

Check it out www.myspace.com/ronniegcollins


2 comments on “I finally gave in to the myspace craze!

  1. May 7, 2008 Mike

    Now just wait for the college kids to talk you into having a facebook page. I have both and it is a great way to keep in touch with your youth since most of them don’t check email. I like facebook since there are more pastors and people my age online. It’s also a great way to check out the myspace pages of teens in your church since most parents aren’t tech-savvy enough to keep watch.

  2. May 7, 2008 Steve & Judy

    Hi Ronnie – we’ve been hesitant of the myspace too and was going to check out your page. LOVE LOVE LOVE the picture of you & Misty! It says at the bottom this user has to add you as a friend to view your profile. Does this mean we have to have myspace page ourself as well or can you be added as visitors without having one? I probably should send you an email on this but this way you can see we’re looking at your blogs! 🙂 WHOO HOO!


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