Every Child Needs Love!



Every Child Needs Love. One of the greatest ministries we could ever have is to give a child a home, to love them and give them a family.

In my days of working with children who were displaced from their families, I came to understand that we don’t do enough as Christians to take care of the major problem, right here in our own front yard.

I have done something about that, I adopted Michael. The truth is that Michael is one of the greatest blessings that has ever come into my life. I don’t feel like I did him a favor by adopting him, I feel like we are both blessed and the blessing continues. Because of Michael, I have been blessed, my family has been blessed, our church has been blessed, and our community has been blessed. It just continues, the numbers of lives that have been touched by Michael are countless and Misty and I can’t wait until we are able to adopt again.

Maybe your family could consider caring for a child in need of a family. I have lots of resources if you are interested in learning more about foster parenting and adoption.


I am praying for Laborers!



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