Proverbs 12: 10
The godly care for their animals,
but the wicked are always cruel.
Esau, my best Friend for 15 years. I wish I could wake up and realize it is just a bad dream, but I know that is not the case. God blessed me with an amazing friend who was always faithful, always by my side. I moved in my house in November 1992 and Esau came in March of 1993. From that time, he has made every step I make. Over the past 2 years he has changed in many ways, his hearing and eye sight have changed and come to think of it, so has mine. We have spent the last 15 years together and it feels like a part of me is dead. I don’t regret a moment of time or any money that I ever spent on Esau, he was worth every last minute and every last dollar.
I worked as a motel manager for the first 6 years of Esau’s life and he went to work with me almost every day for that entire time. Every time we went through a drive through, i would get something and Esau would get a plain cheeseburger and water without ice. For years Esau would go walking with me and for 2 miles he would drag me. Every year for 13 years Esau went to the beach on vacation with the family. It was only 13 because the first year I had him I left him with a sitter and my dad ended up coming home early to pick him up, we all missed him, the other was the first year Sophie was here and I didn’t think I would want to handle both of them, they both went the next year.
Mom and dad kept him for me a lot and for years now they have come to let him out to use the bathroom when I was away from home. He has been a family pet, Dustin and Yolanda and Mike and Caitlin have all stayed here with him and Sophie when Misty and I have been out of town.
For about the first 12 years Esau went most everywhere I went and the last 2 years he had become less active and he just didn’t seem to enjoy riding as much. Wow I miss him so much. I must have a thousand pictures or more of him but most of them are before I had a digital camera. I actually had Esau’s picture made at Wal Mart before they started selling groceries, he probably wasn’t supposed to be in there but they agreed to do to. Once while we were in Myrtle Beach I took him into the Mall and had a guy Airbrush his picture, wasn’t supposed to be in there either. He was cute so we got by with a lot. I used to cruise the strip in Myrtle Beach with Esau looking out the window.
There were many years that I would get up in the middle of the night to let Esau go to the bathroom and many times I would get up multiple times. He was on medicine the last couple of years that made him go more often, I don’t regret a minute of it. I remember sometimes I would be so tired that I would sit in the chair while he was out and doze off.
I could share a million memories but the one that drew me so close to Esau was when he was just a puppy. I was trying to housebreak him and it wasn’t the easiest thing I have ever done. It was one afternoon when he had wet in the floor again and I was so frustrated. I put him outside and said one of those stupid things we say when we are upset. I said, Lord I don’t care if he ever comes back, I am tired of cleaning the floor. I shut the door and sat down. In just a couple of moments I opened the door and he was sitting and looking at me, when I let him in, he started licking me in the face and I remember saying “Esau, you are like Jesus in loving me, you love me no matter what I say or do. I remember that was the time that we bonded and from that time on, I knew that Esau was an Awesome gift from God.
I am reminded this morning that we are just stewards. Before Esau was mine he was God’s and I was only a steward. As a matter of fact we are only stewards of the children we have to the material possessions that we have. I pray that one day in heaven God will say, well done.
I believe with all my heart and based on Scripture that I will be reunited with Esau when Jesus returns. I look forward to that day and I realize that God may call me to steward more of His animals until that time. No one can ever take Esau’s place in my heart but I still have love to give to others.
Thank you Lord for 15 years of pure joy.
Romans 8:19-21 (New Living Translation)
19 For all creation is waiting eagerly for that future day when God will reveal who his children really are. 20 Against its will, all creation was subjected to God’s curse. But with eager hope, 21 the creation looks forward to the day when it will join God’s children in glorious freedom from death and decay.
Luke 3:6 (NKJV)
6 And all flesh shall see the salvation of God.’
Revelation 21:5 (New Century Version) 5 The One who was sitting on the throne said, “Look! I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this, because these words are true and can be trusted.”
Psalm 36:6 (New Living Translation)
6 Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains,
your justice like the ocean depths.
You care for people and animals alike, O Lord.