Youth, step up to the plate and give the gift of LIFE!

OK Youth, Step up to the Plate!

It is official, any youth that is 16 and above can now give blood with permission from your parent. There will be a drive at First UMC Hillsville this Saturday from 10am-4pm. This is our opportunity to give back to the community is a sacrificial way.

Get a FREE Tee shirt at the Red Cross Blood Drive at First United Methodist Churchof Hillsville on Saturday, August 9th between 10 AM and 4 PM.


The Red Cross is supplying these tee shirt give-away’s as an incentive, but I know most of you also know the value to the community and your friends when emergencies happen and there is a need for blood and blood products, whether for planned or emergency surgery, or just to sustain life during critical times.


But if getting a tee-shirt “sweetens the deal” to the point you will come and donate, the please do so.  I’ll be there wearing mine – proudly!


Blood donors must be in generally good health and must be at least 16 years of age.**


Each donor must have a valid form of ID at the time of registration.


Be a new first time donor or give as a repeat donor – your help is needed!


If you can’t donate, volunteers to assist those who do donate are also needed to assist with registration, to escort donors after donation, and to work at the refreshment table.


Please contact me if you think you can donate or if you think you can help out as a volunteer.


**16 Year Olds must have parental permission to donate – either by having a parent accompany them to the donation site on Saturday, or by contacting me so I can provide an advance permission packet for parents to review and sign for the donor to bring to the drive on Saturday.


Thank you ALL for your prayers and support for this very worthy community project!




Bill Webb

Red Cross Blood Drive Coordinator for Hillsville






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