Thank you God for these hands I hold!

I was in a meeting just last week where Danny H. was closing in prayer and here is part of his prayer. “Thank you God for these hands I am holding”. I was struck by that prayer as I thought of all the people in the World who have no one to hold hands with.

I thought of all the more than One Hundred Thousand Children in the United States alone who have no one to call mom and dad. I thought of those across the world who have no food and shelter. I thought of all the people in the world who everyone else has given up on. There are so many.

This wasn’t a romantic hand holding, it was a situation where there were about 15 of us in a circle after a meeting to discuss ministry. That could be our mission statement, “We intend to connect every person possible with others to hold hands with in fellowship and friendship but most of all that they might hold the hand of Jesus Christ.

God, thank you for these hands that I am blessed to hold!


One comment on “Thank you God for these hands I hold!

  1. August 22, 2008 Kallie

    This reminds me of the Starfield song “Hand That Holds the World”. Sound like a mission statement…?


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