As I was writing “what is a blog”? I had an idea. John Wesley in his time was the equivalent to a blogger in 2008. If Wesley were alive today I have no doubt that he would use this media to get his message across.
I wish that I had the time, I have a great idea that would help us to get to know Wesley. I will work on the idea and then let you know what I come up with.
Anyway, at SNL tonight we talked about the commendation and the correction that the Church at Ephesus received in the Book of Revelation. They were a group of people who worked hard and stood for what was right and at the same time they had left their first love. remember they left, God never walked away.
Start Monday morning off right and spend time with our Father. What an awesome way to spend the first part of the day, with the One who made us and knows and loves us better than anyone we know.