Samuel Rocks Out with SouledOut


Wow, who would have thought two years ago that God would have blessed us with this little boy. Samuel is am awesome gift from God and we cherish him along with the rest of our children. Samuel loves SNL and rocking with the band, SouledOut. I hope you enjoy this as much as we do.



8 comments on “Samuel Rocks Out with SouledOut

  1. September 29, 2008 LAURA

    My favorite part of SNL..every week. =D

  2. September 29, 2008 Elsie

    Love Sunday Night Live and SouledOut. My kind of preaching!
    Samuel is an excellent Benediction.

  3. September 29, 2008 Stephanie

    OK, so where do I sign up for Samuel’s Dance Lessons Class???

  4. September 30, 2008 Jay

    I’m telling you, if I danced like that in front of everybody people would think I was crazy! Babies don’t know how good they’ve got it! haha

  5. September 30, 2008 Bob Welsh

    Umm Jay….. you could just jump around like me, I am almost that bad. I love seeing Samuel and Christopher every Sunday night. imagine what it would look like if Rick & Susan’s grandsons could be at SNL too!

  6. October 1, 2008 The Bolen Family.

    God Bless that little boy! I’m so jealous that I can’t run around and dance like Samuel! Ronnie I think Whitney would say that Samuel has the “Hot Feet” in the family! ha! ha!

  7. October 5, 2008 Cindy

    This was so cute! I’ve seen Samuel move when Tom & Jerry play on Sunday morning, too! He LOVES music! He may have some budding talent– maybe Mom & Dad should buy him a toy guitar or a toy DRUM SET soon! 🙂

  8. October 5, 2008 imagebearer

    I would love that, all 3 of our boys have an interest in playing Guitar.


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