
19 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” Mt 4:19-20

Jesus never asked anyone to be a Christian! He said, Follow me. In the days of the Rabbi’s, a person would choose a Rabbi and become like him. Jesus is our Rabbi!

Matthew 4: 19-20 says “Follow Me”. He spent the next 24 chapters telling us what Followers look like.

You will be Salt and Light to the World

You will not murder, nor will you hate

You will Love your Enemies

You will be a Giving Person

You will be a person of Prayer

You will be a person of Fasting

Your treasure will be stored up in Heaven

You are not the Judge of Others

You are bearing Fruit

Which Rabbi do you follow?


The Holy Bible : New International Version. Grand Rapids : Zondervan, 1996, c1984, S. Mt 4:19-20

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