African American Ministries Team in Holston Conference

On Friday I had the awesome opportunity to be with brothers and sisters in Christ in the newly appointed African American Ministry Team for the Holston Conference. I met with old friends and made new ones, we had a great time of fellowship and discussion of how we can intentionally help each other in the Body of Jesus the Christ.

# of African American churches in the Holston Conference = (somewhere between 40 and 50)


Size ranges up to 150 members (most are smaller)


We discussed the need for congregational development and revitalization as a part of our African American congregations.


We must address programmatic needs that African American churches have here in Holston Conference.


We must raise the consciousness level for African American congregations in Holstonamong all the churches in Holston Conference.


We must reach out to the Youth, in their culture, in their language. This may include different styles of worship services and using multiple means in reaching them. i.e. Facebook, Blogs, txt msg, etc…………


We must learn to communicate with each other.


These are just a few of the things that I took away from the meeting. There is a lot of excitement in the air and I believe that many new friendships will be built from which many people of all walks of life will come to know Jesus as Savior and Lord.



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