Carroll Christmas Fund: A Worthy Outreach

Dennis Ward and his crew do a fantastic job every year with gathering food and gifts for those in the community who are in need and they are doing it again this year. There is a box inside the church (FUMC Hillsville) where you can place items you have purchased.

This is just one more opportunity to bless others this year.


Carroll Christmas Fund 2008, A Local Tradition at a

Time of Need

Wednesday, December 10, 2008 6:16 AM EST
Guest Editorial by Craig Teller

    Unfortunately, 2008 has turned out to be a much more difficult year than most of us had anticipated, with the nation still at war on two fronts and a severely depressed economy.  The sad truth is that our nation seems to be reaching the limits of its ability to effectively address the human suffering both here and abroad, with each new financial collapse, natural disaster, or social ill diverting focus and resources from yesterday’s events.  This Christmas season we can take some comfort in knowing that we are doing what we can for our neediest families here at home and that is a good start for the New Year.       

In the current economy, for many the passing of 2008 comes none too soon.  It is during tough times such as these that Christmas takes on added meaning as a badly needed respite for those in need and an opportunity and calling for those in a position to give.  We are truly blessed to have one magnificently effective way to match those of good will with those in need in a joyous coming together during the Christmas season – our own, homegrown Carroll Christmas Fund.  Since 1998, our community has pulled together during the Christmas Season to ensure that our less fortunate families will have something to celebrate at Christmas.  It demonstrates the goodness of human nature and what can be accomplished when good people selflessly come together, motivated simply by the desire to help others.  The effort is simple and pure and what Christmas is all about.   

    This Christmas season hundreds of our citizens from all walks of life will pitch in to provide food for over 350 families and clothes and toys to over 450 children. Those assisting represent every aspect of our community, from our businesses to our fire departments, schools and churches.  Already the First Baptist Church has collected over 200 coats for the Fund.  Every year this magnificent effort grows, with more and more groups and individuals taking part.  With the difficult economic conditions we now face, the number of families needing assistance continues to rise.  If you have not taken part, you can join this year by contributing funds, new toys or children’s clothing, or your time by assisting the many participating organizations.  There is no better way to experience the joy and true meaning of the Christmas holiday season.  No contribution is too small. Contributions can be mailed or dropped off at the Dawn Auction Company, 235 West Stuart Drive, Hillsville, VA 24343.  Checks should be made out to the Carroll Christmas Fund.  For information on how you can help, call 728-9181.  Contributions to the Fund are tax deductible. 

    This year Christmas boxes will be prepared at the VFW on Thursday, December 18th at 6pm with delivery from the VFW starting at 8am on Saturday, December 20th.

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