Souper Bowl of Caring @ “Out of the Box”

Only 33 Days until Super Bowl Sunday!


It is only 33 days until the day that so many people anticipate every year. Super Bowl Sunday is not just about the game. For many it is a time to celebrate around the television with family and friends and have a party.

That is just what we are doing at “Out of the Box” FUMC Downtown @ 522 Main Street Hillsville.

The event will begin at 5pm on Sunday February 1st with the SouledOut Praise Band and Ronnie G Collins as the speaker.

Praise, Worship and Message from 5 to 6pm.

Approximate Game Kick Off Time is 6:28pm

We will watch the game on the BIG SCREEN, with friends and family and a PARTY!

Everyone is invited!

We are asking each person to bring canned goods, non perishable items for the Community Food Pantry housed at First United Methodist Church Hillsville. We have seen a HUGE Increase in people in our local community who have lost jobs and cannot afford groceries.

Lets come together and have a PARTY, CELEBRATE with Freinds and Family and FEED THE HUNGRY!

Sunday February 1st 2009 @ FUMC Downtown “Out of the Box”


SouledOut and Bring The Rain


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