And I thought I was busy….

I am doing something different today. I want to share a blog that blesses me on a regular basis. Bishop Robert Schnase has written a best selling book that every church should read and this blog highlights that book.



107. Balancing Act
I’m a rather eccentric journal keeper (as was Mr. Wesley, by the way!). I jot down daily notes into a cheap OfficeMax notebook, recording observations, experiences, thoughts, and feelings. Each New Year I choose a few things in particular to count and track, and I keep up with these in lists at the back of the journal. Sometimes the numbers are revealing and scary, and other times they are humorous and playful. 

For instance, during the twelve months of 2008, I slept away from home for 153 nights, up from 123 in 2007.

Read the entire article here:

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