Adding to the Kingdom

I just read in the Wytheville District News that we have gains to celebrate from 2008. There are 117 Churches in The Wytheville District currently. Two years in a row we have had a gain in membership. In 2007 we had a net gain of 6 members and in 2008 we have a net gain of 14.

There is another great celebration. We had 214 Professions of Faith in 2008. That is awesome news. There will be 214 more people in heaven because of the work of the Wytheville District.

There is also a point of news that we cannot celebrate. Of the 117 churches in the district 65 churches did not have one profession of faith, more than half of our congregations. 

There is a definite problem here. If there hasn’t been one profession of faith in our church then it is time to ask what the problem is. I am happy to let you know that we had additions in membership and professions of faith for the past several years so we are not one of the ones who have not won one lost person.

However, before you criticize ask yourself the question, “How many people have I won to Christ in the past year”? We all have the responsibility to do our part.


By the way, if you are one who says I want to be able to tell people about Jesus Christ but I just don’t know how. Starting March 1st on Sunday Mornings during the Sunday School Hour Susan Clark and I will be leading an XEE class in the fellowship Hall on the stage. See either Susan or I to sign up ASAP.

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