The church with all it’s flaws

Being in full time Christian Ministry I probably think about this way too  much. I think often about the problems experienced in churches. We hear about church fights and all of us have heard about or maybe even been a part of a church split. As bad as all this is, the Churche is still accomplishing a lot of good.

When I was a young Christian I was in a church where there was a split and many of the people left the church including myself. I was so young in the faith that I really didn’t understand the argument but I chose a side rather quietly and went with the group that left. To be honest it was a relatively short time before that group also split and went their separate ways.

During the time that the church split I remember people having angry words with each other. I really remember the Sunday morning when everything came to an end. The pastor resigned and walked out of the pulpit and an argument erupted. It was very hurtful to me and I always worried about those who were visiting and what they must have thought. I questioned for the longest time how God could get glory from that church split and then one day I could see things from a different view. One day I started to look at the number of people who came out of that church split and are now pastoring churches and there are several, probably no less than 10 people. That is a great testimony to the man who was our pastor at that time as well as God working all things for good, even when they seem tragic.

The more I think about it, Idoubt these people would be serving Our Lord in the same capacity had it not been for that troubling time. We were all happy with life and church the way it was. God was blessing and we couldn’t  imagine things different. It reminds me of the tower of babel. We think we know best and God is always in control and working for our best.


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