Greater Things Are Still To Come

We have just spent 2 days with Terry Teykl and heard him talk about prayer and it’s benefits. Benefits not just concerning what we get through prayer but what God accomplishes through our prayers. It was an outstanding time and if you missed it, lets talk.

I have been seeking God in recent weeks and even months about what His work for us to do in Hillsville might be. I have prayed and kept my ears open and tried to be sensitive to what it is He wants us to do.

I finally heard from Him this morning. I remember back to when we went to Macon last year and we were so impacted by the folks at Christ Chapel that we came back with the vision for Out Of The Box. It was obviously a vision that God gave us, we have stayed busy working with this new ministry for the past 8 months. I remember many things about the church there that impacted me but one of the strongest was their call to prayer during the week. One or more days a week they would come to Christ Chapel and have a prayer time as staff and anyone who wished to come. I was impacted by that because that God hears our prayer and He answers.

This morning my friend Dan Waits from Christ Chapel sent out a facebook message about their prayer time and where God was leading in his life and it hit me right between the spiritual eyes. I literally said, “what is wrong with me”?

What is wrong with me? One of the greatest impacts in Macon with Christ Chapel was their intentional “Call to Prayer”. Why didn’t I see that sooner? Why have we not been gathering at OOTB and praying for our Youth in Carroll, Galax, and Grayson? It took a lot of seeking and a lot of wondering if we were supposed to be doing one thing or another and nothing felt right.

This feels right. There Are Greater Things Still To Come! We have a calling, right here in downtown Hillsville. We are called to impact the lives of youth. We have to first make a Call to Prayer a priority.

Here is what I am going to do. I will be at Out Of The Box on Tuesday Mornings at 8:15 until about 9:15 or 9:30, starting next week, Tuesday May 26th. I invite anyone who desires to come. There is no agenda except to pray for Youth in this area, our individual ministries, and other needs concerning the impact that God wants us to have on youth. The coffee is free, you can bring your laptop to journal or send notes to others and let them know that you are praying for them. Whatever your desire, just come and help us pray.

Greater Things are still to be Done in Carroll County, Galax and Grayson. Let’s make a difference.

Thank you Christ Chapel

Thank you Dan Waits

Thank you First Hillsville

But, Thank you most of all, Jesus Christ — You are why we are here!



2 comments on “Greater Things Are Still To Come

  1. May 22, 2009 faithengineer

    Great post Ronnie. I was encouraged by our time talking this morning. I know you are right. If we want to see God pour out His blessings, we must be on seeking Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Thanks for the reminder to keep prayer at the center of everything we do.

  2. May 22, 2009 Beth White

    I can’t wait to see all that God will do through this focus. We started doing morning staff prayer from 8:30-9:30 every morning almost two years ago. I believe that is why we’ve seen the greatest growth (and attack) in that same season. Praying with you all for OUt of the Box.


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