A funny story!

Yesterday I was sitting at home and Samuel came through the den carrying his diaper. He has decided recently that he would rather go without one, he has never liked clothes very much.

Anyway, he said the word pee and it was too late. He was proud of the fact that at 22 months old he could tell us he had to go to the bathroom but he just doesn’t have the right place down yet. He has a singing toilet that was given to him for Christmas but he only uses that to pretend he is throwing up. He witnessed Misty having morning sickness so he thinks that is it’s purpose.

I am glad we can laugh, it was easy enough to clean up.

The finniest thing is I remember a clergy friend telling me a couple years ago that he went to an appointment and on moving day the SPR Staff Parish Relations Chair met him at the vehicle and found out he had a dog. The SPR Chair said to him “the first time that dog wets on the carpet he is a dead dog” and was not kidding.

Makes me wonder what they would do with Samuel?


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