Got Generosity?

Got Generosity?

supporting ministry with finances…

Generosity is one of the nine fruits of the spirit. It is a spiritual virtue gained from joyful gratitude for what God has done for us. True generosity comes from the understanding that God owns everything and the desire to use the resources God has entrusted to us in a manner that would please God. To learn more about how to become a more generous person or how to inspire generosity in your church, we invite you to explore the links below for the websites for the Holston Conference Foundation and the Holston Conference Stewardship Team. You will find many resources, ideas, tools, and links to inspire and equip you and your church.

Holston Conference Foundation

Agencies & Institutions

Our Mission Statement

Thank you for your interest in the Holston Conference Foundation. The purpose of the Foundation is to assist United Methodists in making significant gifts and bequests to churches, United Methodist programs and institutions. Our counseling often includes detailed estate and tax planning with prospective donors and their advisors. Many gift plans require that a trustee be named, and the Foundation is ideally suited to serve in this capacity. Many gifts require ongoing investment supervision, and The Foundation also serves in this role.

The Foundation’s resources are balanced between managing the affairs of gift funds previously established and seeking new gifts. We work throughout the conference to promote better understanding of the various giving options available to individuals, and to provide an increased awareness of the many needs where charitable gifts can make a lasting impact on the Church.



“The mission of the church is to build, form, and sustain disciples. The aim of stewardship development is not to finance the church’s annual operating budget but to change lives. Giving is part of discipleship. Giving is part of our spiritual formation. When God breaks in upon a sufficiently prepared people, a new generosity emerges – one that is outgoing, joyous, spontaneous, and free.” (Moser, David and Bauknight, Brian, editors: First Fruits: Fourteen Sermons on Stewardship. Nashville, Tennessee: Abingdon Press, 2003)

The Holston Conference Stewardship Team, in partnership with the Holston Conference Foundation, aspires to bring into reality the sentiments expressed above. Through our resource material, various training opportunities and every practical occasion afforded us, we hope to bring new understanding of the vital part played by the development of our spiritual understanding of money and the financial ministry of God’s work.

Jesus said more about money than any other subject. The Bible contains well over 2,000 verses on the same subject. In being faithful to our Wesleyan heritage, our Biblical roots and our spiritual development, we are faithful disciples when we encourage generosity and giving as a significant part of our spiritual development, both as individuals and as congregations.

We give in many distinct ways. We can give from our pocketbook, our checkbook, or from our accumulated resources. Our level of giving usually increases in this same progression. An important inclusion in our emphasis on giving must focus on planned giving through wills, trusts and endowments. For these, The Holston Conference Foundation can provide a variety of resources and expert assistance.

Please make use of this web site and its many links, and call us for assistance.

Program Information

Holston Conference Foundation Holston Conference Stewardship Team

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