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Written By
Ronnie Collins
- The mission team is having fun!6:52 PM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry
- Keith Musser you were just busted6:25 PM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry
- Shopping @ Sams for the mission team6:23 PM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry
- Having dinner @ Chipolte5:02 PM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry
- Heading out to find dinner4:11 PM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry
- Almost forgot, the crew of adults and youth arrived about 2 hours ago. We are in Atlanta and ready to serve!3:27 PM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry
- Were hanging out at Lawsmith. Gary’s Law Office12:29 PM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry
- We have arrived in Atlanta10:45 AM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry
- Commerce Georgia9:54 AM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry
- Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. Thomas Edison9:51 AM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry
- Finally a Mocha Joe. However I ordered an apple fry for Samuel and guess what they are out. Oh well9:47 AM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry
- Got Georgia on my mind.8:59 AM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry
- Praise! Mike starts his new job August 3rd corrections officer. I am so proud of our son!8:24 AM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry
- They R really great7:33 AM Jul 7th from txt
- Burger king is out of Mocha Joe. May as well close the doors. It is burger kings iced coffee.7:30 AM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry
- Grabbing a Mocha Joe. Are you surprised?7:26 AM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry
- Reading “The Beatitudes For Today” by James Howell6:58 AM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry
- Mercy has no nd 2 justify or xplain. Mercy never trivializes suffering w trite xplanations of why. mercy listens, gets Nside the others skin6:34 AM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry
- Jesus was and is Mercy itself.6:09 AM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry
- “those who hunger & thirst for righteousness understand that mercy is their food & drink.” James Howell6:07 AM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry
- The Beatitudes R a ladder. 2 B merciful a person must 1st B poor N spirit, mourn their own sin, the meek follow God’s command 2 B merciful.6:06 AM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry
- The only honour the merciful know is their Lord’s mercy, to which alone they owe their very lives.6:01 AM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry
- “if anyone falls into disgrace, the merciful will sacrifice their own honour to shield them, and take the shame upon themselves.” Bonhoeffer5:59 AM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry
- I may not have anything to pour out but the merciful pour anyway, thinking only of the wounded one who needs the healing balm of mercy.5:55 AM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry
- The Greek word eleos connotes a pouring out. Mercy is when I unscrew the lid on what is precious to me & pour it out on you.5:52 AM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry
- O the blessedness of the merciful, they are the ones who will receive mercy. Matthew 5:75:45 AM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry
- Too many voices speak to us each day! Listen to God’s voice today!5:42 AM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry
- We have driven 55 miles, stopped for gas and breakfast. At this rate we should be in Atlanta by midnight. Not!5:41 AM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry
- Going 2 miss my son Michael and my grandbabies. That is the hard part of these trips. Praying God will put us all in ministry together. Soon4:04 AM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry
- Ok, I am really tired. Praying for strength.3:03 AM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry
- Up to start the journey. Praying for Gods protection.2:47 AM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry