The Wytheville District Mission Team to Slovakia is very excited about the upcoming trip and we are very busy making plans. We ask that you please help us by announcing the following information.
Trip dates: Oct. 12-22, 2009
Focus: A playground for the children in the church yard, some landscaping, constructing some benches and adding a carpeted play area in the mission center for the children.
Cost: $1500-$1800 per person
Fund Raiser:
* A District Wide Yard Sale/Bake Sale is scheduled for August 22, 2009 at Mt. Olivet UM Church in Galax . We will be accepting donated items for this yard sale as well as baked items for the bake sale. We are also having a Silent Auction and need new or like new items, gift certificates etc. No items are priced, all items will be sold by donation only. Items may be dropped off at Mt. Olivet on Thursday or Friday August 20 and 21 between 9am and 8pm.
NOTE: This fund raiser will help with the supplies needed for the trip, for miscellaneous costs and to help bring down individual costs.
For more information, please contact:
Janet Richardson 276-238-0376
Ty Harrison 276-728-2434 OR
Craig Henley 540-980-3331
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