Posted Friday, August 28, 2009
If you are a high school junior or senior, you could win a full tuition scholarship to Liberty University! Applications will be available August 24th – September 11th. All contestants must fill out an online application with Spirit FM and a Liberty University Admissions Application (the fee will be waived).
Round 1 – Application (8/24/09-9/11/09)
Application Process
Submit the 2 online applications (i.e. Spirit FM Preliminary Application and the Liberty University admissions application).
Round 2 – Roll Call (9/8/09 – 9/18/09)
Qualified applicants should listen to Spirit FM Monday-Friday at 7:30 am, 12:30 pm, and 4:30 pm, beginning Tuesday, September 8, 2009 and ending Friday, September 18, 2009. At that time, applicants will be announced on air as possible qualifiers of the American Scholar contest. The applicant or any of their “call team” (named on the Sprit FM application) will be directed to call Spirit FM within 30 minutes.
A team member is an individual that was designated by the applicant as a “call team” member and has been given permission by the applicant to call Spirit FM at 888-774-7482. If a call is received by Spirit FM from the applicant or member of the “call team,” the applicant will move to the next round.
Round 3 – Review Process (9/21/09 – 9/23/09)
Eligible applications will be forwarded to a review board at Liberty University. From these applications, ten will be selected based on the application to move to the next Round.
Round 4 – Semi-finalists Announced
(9/24/09 – 9/30/09)
Semi-finalists will be announced – two per day.
(9/24/09 – 10/7/09)
Semi-finalists will schedule a time to come to Spirit FM studio and record an interview with Spirit FM. Each semi-finalist must also submit a biography statement and color picture (that will be forwarded by Spirit FM) to post online. Failure to do so will eliminate the candidate.
(10/8/09 – 10/20/09)
Semi-finalist interviews are aired. Bios and photos are posted on-line. This time period is when listeners are introduced to the American Scholar Semi-finalists.
Round 5 – Voting (10/14/09 – 10/20/09)
Listeners may vote online for their favorite applicant. Only one vote per email address will be accepted. More details and specifications of the process will be explained on-air. Three finalists will be determined from a combination of the on-line voting results, LU review panel board ranking from 1 to 10, and Spirit FM.
Round 6 – Contest Wrap-up
Finalists Announced (10/22/09)
The top 3 finalists are announced at 7:20 AM on Good Morning Radio.
Interview with Top 3 on Good Morning Radio (10/30/09)
The top 3 finalists will be interviewed live on Good Morning Radio. Candidates will be invited to appear live at the Spirit FM studio from 8AM – 9AM.
The Winner Announced (10/31/09)
The winner will be randomly selected at Liberty University’s home football game during half time on October 31st, 2009. The top 3 finalists must be present at this game for the duration of the game. The winner must report to the Spirit FM booth for photos and interviews directly following the award presentation.
NOTE: By submitting an application for the American Scholar contest, the submitter agrees to having read, understand, and accept all rules and regulations specified herein.
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