A Mercedes-Benz TV commercial shows one of its cars colliding with a concrete wall during a safety test. Someone then asks a Mercedes engineer why the company does not enforce its patent on their car’s energy-absorbing car body. The Mercedes’ design has been copied by almost every other car maker in the world in spite of the fact that it has an exclusive patent.

The engineer replies in a clipped German accent, “Because in life, some things are just too important not to share.”

King Duncan observes, “Some things are just too important not to share. As Christians, we believe the good news of Jesus Christ is one of those things that is too important not to share. No, that is an understatement. We believe Jesus Christ must be shared with our friends, our neighbors, the world. The work of sharing the news of Jesus Christ we call evangelism. The Christian faith has been advanced through the ages by people who were willing to take upon themselves the responsibility of being evangelists–those who spread the good news of Christ.”  (King Duncan, Collected Sermons) Shared in Preaching Now

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