Support from a friend for The Children of Sudan

I received this late last night from a friend who wants to support the children of Sudan and have some fun with it at the same time. I will admit that it would take a Miracle of Water to Wine proportions in order for me to do a Marathon in 2 hours and 5 minutes but it is worth praying for.

My best time in a Marathon to date is 4 hours and 15 minutes and that was the first one I did, All the ones after that became longer. I am honestly training for a 4 hour Marathon in November,


I would like to donate. I am going to have fun with it and base my donation upon your performance in the race. In the full marathon, here is the chart I will use:
If you run in less than: I will donate:
Hours Minutes Donation
6 30 $5.00
6 25 $6.00
6 20 $7.00
6 15 $8.00
6 10 $9.00
6 5 $10.00
6 0 $12.00
5 55 $13.00
5 50 $14.00
5 45 $15.00
5 40 $16.00
5 35 $17.00
5 30 $18.00
5 25 $19.00
5 20 $20.00
5 15 $21.00
5 10 $22.00
5 5 $23.00
5 0 $25.00
4 55 $27.00
4 50 $29.00
4 45 $31.00
4 40 $33.00
4 35 $35.00
4 30 $37.00
4 25 $40.00
4 20 $42.00
4 15 $44.00
4 10 $46.00
4 5 $48.00
4 0 $50.00
3 55 $60.00
3 50 $65.00
3 45 $70.00
3 40 $75.00
3 35 $80.00
3 30 $85.00
3 25 $90.00
3 20 $95.00
3 15 $100.00
3 10 $125.00
3 5 $150.00
3 0 $200.00
2 55 $205.00
2 50 $300.00
2 45 $400.00
2 40 $500.00
2 35 $800.00
2 30 $1,200.00
2 25 $3,000.00
2 20 $5,000.00
2 15 $6,000.00
2 10 $7,500.00
2 5 $10,000.00

So, if you break 6 hours, I will donate $12. If you break 5 hours, I will donate $25, and so forth. Thus, if you break Haile Gebreselassie’s world record, I will donate $10000. 🙂
This should make it interesting for you! Maybe you can get some others to donate similarly as well!

Good luck and have a great race! You will be in my prayers!

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