Divine Rhythm: Lets Go!

Divine Rhythm: January 29-31, 2010

Misty and I plan to attend with anyone who wishes to go from First UMC Hillsville. Let me know ASAP if you are interested so we can make travel and lodging plans. It looks like this will be a great weekend and an awesome time for Misty and I to get to know you better.


Registration- Registration is $35.00.

I need your registration by December 1st, 2009

Register Now Divine Rhythm 2010 January 29-31 Pigeon Forge, Tennessee

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God— not the result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life. –Ephesians 2:8-10

visit www.divinerhythm.com, or contact the Holston Conference office at 866.690.4080 or connectionalministries@holston.org

Our Speaker

The Rev. Grace Imathiu was born in Kenya and raised in the city of Nairobi. She is ordained in the Methodist Church of Kenya and has served congregations there and in Washington, Ohio, Tennessee and Wisconsin. Grace is currently pastor of Brown Deer United Methodist Church near Milwaukee. She has preached and taught around the world, from Germany to Malaysia and from England to Brazil. Grace was educated in Kenya, the U.S., Israel, and at Cambridge University, England. Grace is currently completing studies for a Ph.D. in New Testament at Vanderbilt University. An anthology of her sermons, Words of Fire, Spirit of Grace, has been published and she was a featured preacher at the 2004 Festival of Homiletics.

Worship Leader

Casey Darnell is a passionate worship leader of Northpoint Community Church and their 3 campuses in the Metro Atlanta area. He considers it a privilege to be able to lead others in worship both at the local church and in other parts of the world. Singing, writing songs and leading people in real worship to a very real God has been a large part of his life over the last decade now, and he desires to create an atmosphere of freedom where people can experience God in a real way!

“It is my hope to see our generation continuing to be the hands and feet that God has called us to be…taking our songs and living them out in our everyday lives, this is what the world needs to see and is what will show them He is alive & living in us!”

Divine Rhythm will be held at the Country Tonite Theatre in Pigeon Forge

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