There has been a lot of confusion and questions regarding what Grants are available in the Conference. Well, you have a Conference that listens to your needs and concerns. Here is a growing list of the available grants in Holston Conference, All in One Place.
Thanks to The Connectional Ministries for putting this together so quickly.
Available Grants in Holston Conference
Change for Children
Sponsored by the Children’s Ministry Team
Deadline: February 15
Peace With Justice Grant
Sponsored by the Peace With Justice Ministry Team
Deadline: April 1 and October 1
Ethnic Local Church Concerns “Bricks and Mortar”
Sponsored by the Outreach Advocacy Ministry Team
Deadline: September 1
Church Evangelism Program Grants
Sponsored by the Witness Ministry Team
Deadline: September 1
Renfro Trust Grant
Sponsored by the SEJ Administrative Council
Deadline: September 1
Young Adult Ministry Grant
Sponsored by the Young Adult Ministry Team
Deadline: October 1
Youth Service Fund
Sponsored by the Conference Council on Youth Ministry
Deadline: October 20
Handicapp Accessibility Grant
Sponsored by the Outreach Advocacy Ministry Team
Deadline: October 31
Hispanic Ministry Team Program Grant
Sponsored by the Hispanic Ministry Team
Deadline: November 1
Redwine Grant
Sponsored by the Holston Conference Foundation
Deadline: April 30, 2010
Margaret Loving Trust
Sponsored by the Holston Conference Foundation
Deadline: April 30, 2010
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Contact the Connectional Ministries office.