Thank you from the blogger

The following is a blog that I posted on December 10th, 2008, just over one year ago.

Just a note to thank you for reading the blog. Today we went over the top, 10,000 views since March of 2008. I am humbled that so many people have come. I am also dedicated to continue. I have had people from youth through senior citizens who have said they read every day and can’t wait to see what is posted. You will certainly get to know me better by what I say and do. I have a passion to share Christ with the World, starting in my own community. I have a passion for my family, adoption, my reading and my running.

As long as people read, I will blog. God is at work!


Wow, that was just one years ago and the blog to date has been visited 42,202 times!

More than 30,000 views in just one year.

Thank you, I am humbled that people are reading and I repeat from 2008. As long as you read I will continue to blog.


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