Resurrection 2010 Devotion Guide

Resurrection 2010
Justin Lookadoo
Action Guide

Session 1
Title: Oh Baby!

Reference: Hebrews 5:11-14; Colossians 3:12-17; Romans 6: 10-18
Lookadoo Resources: Step Off: Your Hardest 30 Days—Group Bible Study that will
force growth by connecting Bible to Real World. Perfect for family Bible studies, group
studies. Not recommended to try alone. 97 Random Thoughts—daily devotional that
will show you how to see God in anything and everything. Doorknobs, duct tape, duck
poop. There is even proof in there that God is a redneck!

Oh Baby will set the tone for Resurrection 2010. We’ll start with those who have been
Christians for a while. We will discuss how we must be able to feed ourselves and what
a drain it is if we can’t. I will tie it into the little girl we have, Aliyeh (8 weeks old) and
also the foster babies we care for. We will also set the foundation that we talk too “big
kid” for some of the Christ followers and not because we are going super deep, but
because they refuse to grow.

Sample Questions:
• If you are a follower of Christ, how long have you been a Christian?
• If that were your real age, what you would you be doing? Example, 3 years old.
Eat with spoon, understand and follow directions, can pick out my clothes but
need help putting them on, etc.
• Connect those dots into the spiritual? Do feed yourself or do you wait for Sunday
for someone else to feed you. Can you but on your on clothes or do you have to
have someone tell you right and wrong?
• If you were going to put an age on your spiritual life what would it be?
• Why do you think you are behind in spiritual growth, ahead or right where you
should be?
• How do you know you have grown spiritually in the last year? Kids learn more,
they go from crawling to walking from goo-goo to talking. What is different
about your spiritually?
Challenge: If you are not growing, you are dying. A baby cannot stay where it is and be
a healthy baby. If you are not growing and you cannot see how, then you are not a
healthy Christian. Ask them, how do you think you can start growing? Do you want to
and what is your plan?
Warning: Don’t accept, read the Bible more, or pray more as an answer. When things
like that are said, your response is “okay, what is your plan. How, exactly are you going
to make that happen.

Session 2
Title: Is It Holy?

Reference: 1 Peter 1:15-16
Lookadoo Resource: Is It Holy Bracelet—this is the Must Have reminder of the
weekend. Metal bracelet with “Is It Holy” etched into it. ($5.00). 97 Random
Thoughts—daily devotional that will show you how to see God in anything and
everything. Doorknobs, duct tape, duck poop. There is even proof in there that God is a

A few years ago it was popular to ask WWJD? Catchy thought be we as humans could
never answer that question. Jesus did the unexpected and in Isaiah 55:8 God even says,
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the
LORD. But we do have the foundation that Jesus built all of his decisions on and that is
“Be holy for I am holy.” We get bogged down in this right vs wrong debate. That is not
the question. The question is, “Is it holy?” Should you do this or that? Is it holy?

Sample Questions:
• Can something be considered “Okay”, but NOT be holy?
• Can something be considered NOT okay to us but still be holy?”
• If you filtered every choice through the question, “Is it holy?” would it change
anything that you might do?
• Come up with some scenarios to discuss this. You can start with some softies but
move to some more difficult ones.
o Stealing. Right or Wrong? What if the recession has hit and you don’t
have a place to live. You have 4 kids and your kids are staving. Not just
hungry, but they are malnourished. You have tried everything to get work
but you have nothing. You take fruit off a fruit truck to feed your family.
Is it okay? What would you do? Is it holy?
o Kissing? Is it right or wrong? Good or Bad? Is it holy? Could it be holy?
o Drinking anything with alcohol. Is it right or wrong? Good or Bad? Is it
holy? Could it be holy?
• Do you think it will be hard to live your life by doing what is Holy?
o If they say ‘no’ then press them because they don’t understand what it
• What will happen when you don’t know the answer to “Is it holy?”
Challenge: Ask the question about everything. Do what you think the “holy” thing is.
No matter how tough.

Session 3
Title: The Adoption Option

Reference: Romans 5:8; Romans 8:14-17
Lookadoo Resources: Is It Holy Bracelet—this is the Must Have reminder of the
weekend. Metal bracelet with “Is It Holy” etched into it. ($5.00). Step Off: Your
Hardest 30 Days—Group Bible Study that will force growth by connecting Bible to Real
World. Perfect for family Bible studies, group studies. Not recommended to try alone.
($20 or Bulk Discount)
Foster Care and Adoption. We will take a journey through what it means for Christ to die
for us even when we were yet still sinners. And we will take a real peak into what
adoption means. This will lead us to the emptiness that people search to fill. They are
trying to make their lives complete and the hole remains. You never feel complete.
Drugs, sex, food, video games, popularity, no matter what you stuff in there it doesn’t
work. This is where we will give an opportunity for people to be “adopted” by God.

Sample Questions:
• Tonight I would ask them open questions like, did what Justin said tonight make
• Did anyone go down front?
• Who needs to talk?
• This is your time!
If you were at Resurrection 2009 you will remember how I end this night. I will have
them come forward. I will lead them in prayer. Then I will tell them to talk with their
youth workers and leaders. I will give them a pretty strong “dare” to do it. I will also
inform the leaders that your job is to ask the people you pray with, “What?” If they don’t
want to confess what then just pray with them that they will get real enough to stop
playing games so they will confess it. Why? Because James 5:16 says, “Confess your
sins to each other, pray for each other so that you will be healed.” Have them confess it,
confront it and then pray for them. If they are not willing to confess it they are not ready
to change it.
Challenge: The challenge here if for the youth workers/sponsors. You need to get right
with God. The second part of that verse is “the prayers of the righteous are powerful and
effective.” If you are not right with God, please don’t pray with them. You get right
first. We had so many adults last year getting prayer before they even started praying for
others. You are the guide, make sure you are on the path.

Session 4
Title: Do Your Job!

Reference: Psalm 37:4; 1 Corinthians 12:12-30
Lookadoo Resources: Chat Room Chatter—Real answers from real questions. Like,
“Do you ever get intimidated talking to someone who doesn’t believe in God?” “When is
it okay to date?” “Why do guys leave the toilet seat up?” And just about anything else
you could imagine. ($15). Is It Holy Bracelet—this is the Must Have reminder of the
weekend. Metal bracelet with “Is It Holy” etched into it. ($5.00)
We will tie in the different desires that God has placed in each of us. And the main
challenge will be for everyone to pick one person to focus on. One person to “witness”
to. But we will not run out and start preaching. The Challenge will be to pick that person
and pray for them for a year before you say anything to them about Christ. Every day
pray for them. Now, if the conversation comes up don’t run from it, but do not focus on
Christ until you have prayed for them for the year. At the same time pray that God will
prepare you and give you the words to say. Do this 365 times before you approach them.
Watch what happens.

Sample Questions:
• Do you know one person you could choose?
• Write their name down.
• Put it everywhere so you can remember. Mirror, phone, computer, everywhere.
• Write the date and start praying for them.
• Pray for them.
Challenge: That’s pretty much it. What is the challenge after the 365 days? Well, it’s
like this. If they are praying for the same person everyday then the topic of Christ will
come up before the time is over because their spirit will be longing to connect with the
You guys are wonderful! Thanks for allowing me to be apart of your journey for two
years now. If you ever need resources or wish to have me come and speak to your group
please contact us at or I would be

3 comments on “Resurrection 2010 Devotion Guide

  1. January 8, 2010 Betsy

    It sounds like it will be a great Resurrection!
    Lookado is “on time”

  2. January 24, 2010 SmallTownGurl

    Resurrection was amazing this year… I have never been before, nor have I ben to anything like it ever before. So just let me say it was a very uplifting and amazing experience. Justin Lookadoo was fantastic to listen to and really had a way with words. And all weekend all I heard was “Is It Holy?” 🙂

  3. January 26, 2010 Heidi

    This was my first time at Resurrection it was the most wonderful time I have ever had. Justin Lookadoo is a great speaker and I hope that someday I can say that I have read ALL his books that is my goal for 2010 🙂


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