Book Review: The Gift of Presence

Suffering is inseparable from the life of humanity. We have a responsibility to better understand it and make a difference.

The parable of the Good Samaritan reminds us the Gospel does not give us permission to pass by on the other side as the religious folks did.

I am always looking for tools that will help me when it comes to ministry with those who are in the midst of suffering. This is a quick read and packed full of great and helpful information. The writer is a long time pastor who has been in the midst of suffering many times, he has also experienced suffering through the heart attack of his wife.

The book is a guide of things you should and should not do when visiting with those who are suffering, from death to cancer, divorce, suicide, loss of a job, whatever the situation may be where people are suffering, this book will help you to know what may work best and what may inflict more pain.

“The Gift of Presence” The main focus and message of the book is that our presence in the midst of suffering is the most important ministry we can have. Words are not always necessary. “Reflective silence is the soil out of which helpful words can grow”.

Your presence with those who are suffering is ministry, it means they are not alone.

The author allows room for the use of notes, letters, e-mail and even social networking sites to practice presence. He believes as do I that in many cases your physical presence is best, but there are those times when you just cannot be there and it is important for the person to know that you are there for them and that you are willing to help carry the burden.

When it comes to sinning, we seem to know more about others than ourselves.

It is very important to understand when a person is suffering that we are not there to be the judge of the situation in which they find themselves, rather we are there to offer forgiveness and healing.

To be a good Samaritan carries with it a price tag. We don’t just feel sorry for the injured, we take action!

To be a Good Samaritan it will require much from us. It is easy to pass by on the other side of the road when we see someone in need and we have trained ourselves to do just that. It will cost us financially to be involved in the problems of people, it will cost us emotionally, and it will cost us out valuable time.

Are you willing to pay the price?


PS – I highly recommend this book. It is a quick read and helpful not only to pastor’s but laity as well as we are all called to be ministers and many of us do not know what to say or do in these situations. This book will give you confidence to minister to those who are hurting.

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