Day 8, This is the longest period of time in my 44 years that I have gone without food. I observed a 7 day fast back in 1999 or 2000 and it was much more difficult than this one has been. Maybe it is because I have been running for several years now and my body is just in better condition to take it, I don’t really know.
I have lost 15lbs which is normal. A person will typically lost 4 to 8 lbs in the first couple of days and then it will typically average out to about a pound per day. It will depend on your water intake and the amount of activity you are involved in.
I received a lot of encouragement on day 8 as one of our church members shared with me that she and her husband are using the prayer devotional and fasting the evening meal together. She shared what an awesome impact it is having on them.
I met a new clergy in Holston Conference yesterday who is planning now to fast 2 days per week throughout these 40 days and we heard testimony from another clergy who fasted 4 days and has 4 people who will now be baptized on or before Pentecost Sunday.
I just know more than ever that God called me to this and the fact that He is calling others around me to fast is just confirmation to me that He is at work and we will see 3000 people come to know Jesus Christ who will be baptized between now and Pentecost Sunday 2010.
God is awesome!
Our God Reigns! God is already blessing your obedience, Ronnie.
Ronnie, I feel that God is with you in the fast.Truthfully I was worried about the long fast, and God gave me peace about it. Have been praying for you too. I started the Daniel fast on Monday and know it is God’s will. Now I need to dicipline myself to more prayer. Pray for God to hear my prayers, they are for the lost to be saved.