People ask me all the time “What is the best Study Bible”. I do recommend some based on what they are looking for. As you know there is a study bible for everything from toddlers to sr. citizens, archeology to Holy Spirit encounter. There are literally hundreds in hundreds of different translations.
I will admit there are some that I think are better than others. However, with all study bibles that have author commentary, you get that persons interpretation of scripture. These study bibles usually travel in denominational leanings. Such as “The Wesley Study Bible” which I have and I like it very much. Then there is the “Archeological Study Bible” which I have and also like very much.
Study Bibles are great, just remember that with each one you are getting someone else’s notes. There are great study tools available for you to take advantage of even understanding the original Greek and Hebrew and you can come up with your own study notes.
It is worth the work.
By the way, here are a few that I use and like a lot.
The Quest Study Bible
The Archeological Study Bible
The Wesley Study Bible
Celebrate Recovery Study Bible
The Jewish Study Bible