Fasting Journal Day 35

I had the thought this morning that I actually hadn’t eaten in 5 weeks, for some reason that seems longer than 35 days. It has been an awesome experience and one that I believe will bring blessing untold into my life. To this point God has been opening the scripture to me in ways that I have not been able to understand before. God has been answering obvious prayers throughout these now 36 days of fasting and prayer. I believe they are answers that would have been different if my devotion in seeking our Father had been different over the past 35 days.

Day 35 was a really great day in many ways. My energy level was the highest it has been in several days, I felt really great. God was giving me insight in the am hours faster than I could get it on paper and I blogged some of what He was giving to me. My time in the office this day was very productive and then to top it all off we had a great Holy Week Service with an excellent message.

As I went to bed, very tired and drifted right off to sleep God gave me a dream and it goes something like this. I was thinking a lot today about the 79% of the people who live in Carroll County who are un-churched. It is very hard to go even a minute throughout the day without thinking of them. I dreamed that so many of them had been won to Christ that our church was renovating a huge building and we were so full we were getting prepared to meet in it unfinished. There was a Children’s Choir rehearsing with about 200 children in it. There was also an adult group that was rather large getting prepared to lead worship. If the Children;s Choir was that large, what must the group coming to worship have looked like.

I believe it si a prophetic dream. Some day we will be able to come back to this blog post and say, yeah, it was a dream from God. I believe this.

At this point, on Tuesday, Day 36 there are only 4 days counting today and I will break the fast at the Saturday evening meal. I am going to be honest and say that I am looking forward to eating again. I am still not experiencing any kind of hunger pains. i haven’t felt a hunger pain in these 36 days and I have come to the conclusion that I have never in my life experienced a true hunger pain. Wow, the lessons God is teaching me. Lessons about how selfish I am. Lessons about how spoiled I am to have whatever I want to eat, any time I want it. And lessons about how abusive I am to my body by eating things that satisfy in some way my emotional and stress needs but not my nutritional needs. Lessons about how we worship the physical body more than the God who created our bodies. Lessons about the fact that we spend too much time on Body, soul, then spirit, rather than Spirit, soul, and body.

God is awesome, the week ahead is very busy and so full of anticipation of what God is getting ready to unleash in the way of blessing. Sunday is Easter and we celebrate the Resurrected Christ, but I believe we are going to celebrate in a whole new way in 2010. The stories are yet to be told and the books are yet to be written but the souls are all ready and waiting, we just have to go after them.


One comment on “Fasting Journal Day 35

  1. March 30, 2010 Betsy

    AMEN and AMEN! We will continue to see the results of this
    season of fast and prayer for a long time. God is ready to pour out His power and revival is coming! I feel like a person does at the Grand Canyon when an electrical storm is coming – all prickley and with my hair standing on end. Awesome God! Awesome God!


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