I have found another nugget in the discipline of fasting. We are reading Elmer Town book “The Daniel Fast” and in the book Dr. Towns is talking about the time that Ezra is taking the people back to their homeland to rebuild the temple. Now I know there are several different kinds of fasting. There is the 1 day fast or sundown to sundown, there is a 3 day fast, and there is a 40 day fast. These are just a few of the different ones mentioned in the Bible.
In the devotional this morning Dr. Towns makes the following observation. “A private problem involves a private fast, a family problem involves a family fast, and a national problem involves a national fast. This makes sense and in all of my study I had not considered this. When Daniel and the two with him were being tested, only the three of them fasted. When Ezra was leading the group of 4000, they all fasted. When Jesus fasted 40 days, it was him alone who fasted. Interesting insight.
Tuesday was day 3 of our Daniel 21 day fast with only fruits and vegetables with a few other items added in. It was a good day, I can tell a distinct difference in myself and the way my body responds to this diet of food vs having meat in my diet. I can sense God’s presence and I am seeing on a daily basis, answers to prayer.