Keith and Judah

This is my brother Keith holding Judah just over a year ago at Judah’s birth. Keith loved my boys, I sometimes think he bought a 4 wheeler just so he could be with them. The first thing he did after buying one just a few months ago was to bring it to the house and take Samuel for a ride. Keith made several trips to the house after that just to give Samuel and Kyle rides. I would give every earthly possession I have to be able to sit down with Keith and spend time. I wish so much that we could turn the clock back but that is not possible. I have wonderful memories and I hope that Samuel will remember Keith, he loved him so much. I miss my brother.


2 comments on “Keith and Judah

  1. June 5, 2010 Patti

    Ronnie, Keith possibly is the assistant in preparing a mansion big enough for all your kids and a yard big enough to ride fourwheelers. This pic made my day, thank you for allowing us to be apart of your lives. I miss him and will always love him! Have a blessed day!

  2. June 5, 2010 Suzi

    Ronnie, When you first put this picture of Keith on your page after Judah was born; I cried. I cried because it was the sweetest picture I had ever seen of Keith and at that time I wished it were our son. Keith looks like a proud Daddy. He was “just the uncle”. I called Keith when I saw this picture and we talked for a long while, talked about all the things we had planned and what we could still do. I agree with Patti. I too, am like you….I miss your brother and wish we could turn back time!!!! love you


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