This is a great place to go deeper in your knowledge of the Bible. August 15th is the deadline to sign up so if you are interested please see either Christine Eva or Carolyn Webb, ASAP.
Pastor Ty says…
In 1985-87, my wife Kim and I participated in the Bethel Disciples Bible Series while attending Lane Memorial U.M.C. in Altavista, Va. This in-depth study of God’s Word influenced not only my answering the call to pastoral ministry, but also my graduation from the Divinity School of Duke University and ordination into the Holston Conference of the U.M.C. At that point, we became convinced that Bethel provided one of the most thorough overviews of the entire Bible that we had ever studied and I decided to promote it. Many years later First U.M.C. Hillsville sent me to the Pastor’s Clinic in Madison, Wisconsin. Upon my return we adopted the Bethel Series as an integral focus for our education ministry. At last I am witnessing how the lives of others are being transformed by God through this wonderful resource–just as mine was over twenty-five years ago. In only four years we have completed two Disciple Studies and oneCongregational Study, resulting in more than twenty graduates. We will again offer both courses in the fall of 2010. The following testimonies illustrate the effectiveness of the course.
What the Bethel Study Meant to Me….
Congregational Students
Stephen and Judy Martin are a young couple who just completed the Congregational phase of the Bethel Bible Study. Stephen says, “My stepfather used to sing the song, ‘Using My Bible for a Roadmap.’ The song implies that the Bible provides life guidance that will ultimately end at heaven, but the direction is much more than individual lessons from individual parts of the Bible. The Bible as a whole is guidance on how Christians are “blessed to be a blessing,” and that guidance comes from an understanding of the developing phases in the Bible that begin with Genesis and end with Revelation. Bethel provides that understanding. After completing Bethel, I now look at studies of individual verses or chapters with knowledge of where they fit in the Bible story and what their significance is to Christian life.” Judy continues with her thoughts—“This was a commitment I made and I’m so thankful that I followed through. Without the covenant that we signed, I’m sure that I would have fallen back on the excuses I’ve always used for not studying the Bible.”
Martha Stineback said, “I won’t be saying, ‘I wish I had taken that Bethel Class.’ Instead, I can say, ‘I’m so glad I took that Bethel class.’ It put the desire in me to go on to another study. Having an assignment to complete each week is an incentive to set aside time to study God’s word.”
Another couple, Ed and June Howard, agreed that “the Bethel Bible Study has been one of the most meaningful steps that we have taken to strengthen our faith in the absolute authority of the Bible. This study is based on God’s Word as revealed through the Bible, not man’s or the world’s interpretation. Bethel has helped us develop a firm Biblical knowledge foundation from which we will continue studies into God’s Word for the rest of our lives.”
A final couple, Charlie and Marilyn Rand, summed up their experience like this: “From our perspective, it put the Bible in a sequence of events and pulled together the Old and New Testaments.”
Carolyn Webb, first time teacher of the Congregational phase explains the relevance of Bethel in her life like this: “Yes, I was familiar with Bible stories that I had taught my two daughters, and I remembered lessons learned in 50+ years in Sunday school, both as a student and as a teacher. However, Bethel Bible Study is unique in that a group of people reads, word for word, every verse and chapter of the Christian’s book of authority. But not only is that an accomplishment in itself, we analyze, question and delve into the great characters of the Bible and discover biblical truths that will guide us throughout the remainder of our lives. It has been a privilege and a blessing in my own life to lead this group of outstanding students.”
Disciples Students
Beth: I came to Bethel at a dark time in my life and found a group of believers who became my friends and my support. I have gained new insights into the teachings of God and a new level of understanding of the Bible and my faith.
I’ve learned so much more about the Scriptures and the way I must try to live. Of course, the main effect is to show me how very much I do not know. Bethel has given me a good grounding and the tools I need to continue learning.
Nancy: “The two years of study has been a long and a short journey for me. I had never fully studied the Bible but was familiar with certain Scriptures and stories. During this study I realize it goes much deeper than that. Also, I had a disconnect between the Old and New Testaments. Now I am able to tie the two together.” I can see the line from Abraham to Jesus. … I have a much better understanding of why God sent his Son born of woman to live among men…and best of all, I take great comfort in my salvation….This study has been well worth the effort and I highly recommend it to others.”
Christine Eva, the teacher of the Disciple phase, says “as you hear the symphony of God’s revelation of Himself unfold in the Hebrew Bible – from creation to Mount Sinai and beyond – reaching a crescendo when the Word, Jesus Christ, became flesh in the New Testament, you’ll develop a more intimate knowledge of Him and a keener sense of hearing His voice.
The gospels and epistles give a clear vision of not only the function of the church, but will help you gain a more precise vision of His plan for your life.”
Visit for more details about the course.
Thanks for your support–Christine and I really appreciate it!I gave your parents some information on the history of the Bethel Series. I hope they will consider signing up.
This class is an awesome opportunity that Ty brought to our church several years ago. If you ask anyone who has taken the class they will all tell you how awesome it is. This study is unlike any other that I’ve experienced in that you go through the entire Bible in chronological order. So you truly get an understanding how everything ties together. Don’t let the two years scare you, it’s set up like college classes in that you have breaks during the holidays and summer. I encourage you to participate.