Things I have learned this week, August 15th, 2010

  1. God is the author of all truth.
  2. God expects us as His followers to stand for His truth and never compromise for the praise of mankind.
  3. Matthew Chapter 15 is God’s Word for us at all times and we need to pay close attention in the work to which He has called us.
  4. It’s not a gift if you expect something in return.
  5. Great listeners linger on the words of others, being certain of their meaning before they respond.
  6. Very smart people have been known to make very unwise decisions. Intelligence does not guarantee wisdom.
  7. The gospel shows that we win by losing, we triumph through defeat, & we become rich by giving ourselves away.
  8. Be who God called you to be. Live for an audience of One.
  9. The reality of Gods presence is hard to describe but it is also hard to miss.
  10. I’m not called to be like a good pastor, I’m called to be like Christ!
  11. Becoming obsessed with what others think about me is the quickest way to forget what God thinks about me.
  12. The easiest way to be interesting is to be honest. People rarely say what they truly feel, yet this is what audiences admire most.
  13. A successful man or woman is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at them.
  14. I love what God has called me to do and I love people.
  15. Don’t wait to make a difference, you can change the world, take your best shot.

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