Things I have learned this week, August 29th, 2010

Jesus continually took time away for self care, we should do the same as clergy.

Just remembered, I am not called to fix people, I am called to minister.

David and Bathshebia are our examples of how not to behave. However they are an example of Gods forgiveness. When we mess up, there is hope.

“The Christian movement now faces its greatest opportunity in the Western world in the last three centuries.” George Hunter

The Church of Brady in East Los Angeles loses 10 percent of their congregation every year to plant new churches! AWESOME

In most communities, most traditional churches cannot reach, or even meaningfully converse with their unchurched non-Christian Neighbors.

Jesus did not tell the world to go to the church, He told the church to go to the world.

We have to turn the church from being an audience to being an army. Bruce Larson

You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast,because he trusts in you. Isaiah 26:3

If you do not take risk, you will not grow.

“We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey.” Stephen Covey

83% of churches in America have 149 people or less in worship on Sunday’s

“70% of all people who visit a church make up their mind about coming back “BEFORE” the pastor gets up to speak!” Barna Research Group

Only 17% of the population of this Country attend worship regularly.

“You shall not sacrifice yourself or those you love on the altar of the new church” Jim Griffith

Self-care: be a lover of God planting a church, not a church planter trying to love God.

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