My Day August 30th, 2010

It has been a great day. First thing this morning my computer wouldn’t boot up and I really didn’t sweat it because even though I didn’t have every file backed up, I did have most important things backed up to either a thumb drive or an online source. I have learned the hard way that electronic things do break. My laptop has been a great one with almost no problems in more than 3 years of constant work overload and lots of travel. Praise the Lord, I worked with the computer to the point that I was offered the option of restoring and warned that I could lose some recent material. As far as I can tell I didn’t lose anything at all, praise the Lord.

I ran 7 miles early this morning, had a great time talking with the Lord and the cool weather has helped me to run faster. When I finished running I laid my Garmin 305 on top of the Jeep and it wasn’t until I was half way home that I remembered that I had left it on the top of the Jeep. I pulled over, planning to go re-trace my last few miles and the luggage rack had trapped it and it too was safe from harm, praise the Lord.

I mowed our yard and Keith’s yard today and then Mike came and did the weed eating at our house, praise the Lord.

We were sitting by the fire pit tonight and the thought of a good friend struck me. His name was Joe Ashe and I loved Joe a lot. We had sibling dogs, Joe lived in Ohio and me here in Cana but we managed to see each other occasionally. I saw in my mind and felt in my spirit that Joe is with my brother Keith now in Heaven and Bronson and Esau are there with them. Man, heaven is getting so full with people and animals that God has impacted my life with. I can’t wait to go there.

I have had the day at home but fielded many phone calls, e-mails, and fb messages from many people. Some were purely ministry related (business) some were just to say hello and let me know they are praying for me, some were from students who miss being home, and many were asking for prayer for so many things and I know that God is still on the throne and He hears our cries, so I know that every prayer gets an answer, every tear is kept so that one day we will understand that even though we didn’t understand the hurt and the pain, it has a purpose. that day is coming soon, praise the Lord.

It has been a great and busy day, God has filled every moment of it. I am a blessed man!


One comment on “My Day August 30th, 2010

  1. September 5, 2010 Kim

    You are a blessed man! It is refreshing to see someone who realizes it and realizes to Whom thanks is due. God is good!


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