Shutting Down the Social Media

Wow, it has been a whirlwind weekend but then it has been a whirlwind year. We are headed out for a few days of vacation and I am shutting down the social media for a few days.

I made the decision to keep my phone with me for emergencies but I won’t be checking e-mail, facebook, or twitter. I will post Three Minute Thursday this week and I may send a few things to the blog but it will be one way communication at the most.

God is at work and I know that I need to take a good rest in order to gear up for the last quarter of this year. The new worship site is developing well. The lease is signed, we are actively recruiting band members for SNL and the OOTB Worship Center, and the architect is working on the drawings for renovations.

God is good all the time. I hope you all have an awesome week and I will check back in on Friday or Sunday, exact date still to be determined.


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