X3Watch – Accountability Software

Several people have asked me how to make the internet safer and how to encourage ourselves to stay away from internet PORN Sites.

Here it is.

It is easy and FREE!

And here is how it works.

X3watch is an accountability software program helping with online integrity. Whenever you browse the Internet and access a site, which may contain questionable material, the program will record the site name, time, and date the site was visited. A person of your choice (an accountability partner) will receive an email containing all possible questionable sites you may have visited within the month. This information is meant to encourage open and honest conversation between friends and help us all be more accountable.

Get X3watch on PC, Mac, iPhone/iPad/iTouch and Androids

Feel Free to Add me as one of your accountability partners if we know each other. Talk with me about this!


Here is the site to download the Free Software


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