Running is one of the things that I do to relieve stress. However it is worth so much more than that. I run with a good friend, Kenneth and it is a time of fellowship. On Monday Kenneth called and said it wasn’t sticking in Mt. Airy where we run so we took a chance. By the time we started the snow was sticking and by the time we finished everything was snow-covered. It wasn’t miserable as so many would think, it was beautiful. Coming up main street with the street lights and the snow falling, it was picture perfect. We were careful not to slip and fall and it really wasn’t very slick.
During the run we started to talk about the stress of life and running helps us to manage the stress. Then we thought of those whose health is not that good, they are overweight, they carry the same or a higher stress load than we do and they have no outlet to get rid of the stress. It made me very thankful to be out on the street running in the snow. I am thankful that I have the ability to run. I’m not fast and im not slim like a lot of runners, but it manages my stress and gives me an outlet for fellowship that cannot be compared.