#1. Speaking to a group
#2. Heights
#3. Insects
#4. Money problems
#5. Deep water
#6. Sickness
#7. Death
#8. Flying
#9. Loneliness
#10. Dogs
My Comments:
Wow, imagine that, I am tackling the number one fear that people have, speaking to groups, do it multiple times weekly and still get nervous.
Heights, don’t like em very much.
Insects, I can’t believe this one isn’t snakes.
Money problems, duh.
Deep Water, I agree.
Sickness, don’t like it at all.
Death, not afraid of mine but concerned about those that are close to me and those who don’t know Christ.
Flying, not my favorite thing to do but it doesn’t bother me that bad.
Loneliness, no one likes to be alone all the time.
Dogs, love dog’s and don’t fear most.