Welcome to the Holston Conference African American Ministry Team. At African American churches in the Holston Conference, the gospel is proclaimed, lives are transformed, and disciples are made. The doors of our churches are open and whoever will, let them come in.
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African American Ministry Team Presents….
August 5-6, 2011 Foundations for Growth: Rethink, Relaunch, Renew, Revision
Lennon –Seney UMC 2084 Dandridge Ave Knoxville TN 37915
Cost: $25 per person (includes Lunch) *Max of$100 total cost per church*
*Persons registering after the August 1st deadline will not be provided lunch* Think about this – what is YOUR dream for: Yourself? Your family? Your community? Your church? Your world?
Name:____________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ____________________________________________________ Contact Phone: ___________________Email: _________________________ Church Name: ________________________________ District: ____________ #______ Attending Total Cost: $_______________ _____
Yes, I will need childcare (6months—12 yrs) REGISTRATION & CHILDCARE DEADLINE AUGUST 1
Friday, August 5, 2011 7pm—Worship & Holy Communion Music by: Stanley UMC Choir, Chattanooga District Sermon: Rev. Sandra Johnson, Abingdon District Superintendent
Saturday, August 6, 2011 8:30—9:30 am—Registration 9:30am—Praise & Worship Music: Minister Gerald Dixon Mt. Calvary Church, Nashville TN Sermon: Dr. Teresa Fry Brown
10:45—Break 11:00am—Plenary Speaker: Dr. Harold Lewis 12:15-1:15pm—LUNCH 1:30pm – Praise & Worship Music: Trentville UMC 1:45pm – Plenary Speaker: Dr. Teresa Fry Brown 3:00-3:15pm Break 3:15pm
Closing Worship Sermon: Dr. Harold Lewis Music: Minister Gerald Dixon