Witness Team Grant Deadline Extension to October 15th 2011


Witness Ministry Team Holston Conference, The United Methodist Church Guidelines

1. Program grants are not for construction or renovation of buildings; they are for program support only. These are one-time-only grants to be used as seed money to begin new program ministries that engage persons with the Church.

2. Under extraordinary circumstances, a ministry may be considered for a Program Grant for a second year. A new application must be made for the second year. No assumption should be made about automatic approval. Each project will be in competition with other ministries for funding.

3. The minimum Program Grant is $2,500. Projects requiring less than $2,500 should be able to secure district or local church funding. The maximum Program Grant is $10,000.

4. No Program Grant will be made where the Witness Ministry Team funds constitute more than 2/3 of the total program cost.

5. Priority consideration will be given to new ministries which show a potential for growth in the local church’s membership and/or ministry to the community.

6. Priority consideration will be given to new ministries which are projected following a church consultation or similar self-study.

7. Application deadline is September 15 each year.

8. All applications must be filed on the approved Program Grant Application Form with all required signatures.

9. All Application Forms should be requested from and returned to the Office of Connectional Ministries, P.O. Box 850, Alcoa, TN 37701-0850.

10. You are asked to provide Witness Ministry Team with a summary of the ministry and how it is progressing. The evaluation form will be mailed to you and is due to the Conference Office by September 1 of the year following the calendar year in which the grant is awarded.



Witness Ministry Team Holston Conference

1. Name of Church ______________________________________________________________________

Address ____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

2. Pastor ______________________________________________________________________________

Address ____________________________________________________________________________


3. Officer of Church _____________________________________________________________________

Address ____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

4. What is the ultimate goal of this proposed ministry? How will it contribute to growth in your membership and/or ministry? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

5. What program does the church plan to do through this ministry? (Describe the ministry) ____________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

6. Church Profile (Last calendar year) Total Membership ____________________ Average Attendance Worship _______________________ Average Attendance Sunday School _______________ Total Church Budget _____________________ Fair Share % Paid _________________________ Church Debt ________________________________

7. Financial Profile of New Ministry for which funds are requested Projected Budget for New Ministry (Attach a copy of budget.) ________________________________ (total) Cash on Hand for New Ministry _________________________________________________________

Other Grants _________________________________________________________________________

Other Income ________________________________________________________________________

Grant Requested ______________________________________________________________________ (Minimum $2,500; Maximum $10,000)

Financial Plan to sustain this ministry beyond this grant ______________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

8. What group(s) in your church has/have approved the project? _____ Church Council/Board _____ Finance Committee _____ Work Area on __________________________________________________________________ _____ Other? ________________________________________________________________________

9. Is this projected program or ministry the result of a church consultation or similar self-study? _______Yes _____ No Explain: ______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

10. Date that plans and this request for a Program Grant were reviewed by the District Superintendent? ____________________________________________________________________________________

11. What group in your church will be in charge of supervision and evaluation of the program? __________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

Signed __________________________________________ _________________________________

Pastor Phone Signed __________________________________________ _________________________________

Officer of Church Phone Signed __________________________________________ _________________________________

District Superintendent Phone Date signed ________________________________________________________________________________

Mail to: Office of Connectional Ministries P. O. Box 850 Alcoa, TN 37701-0850 02/2007

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